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Connecting our target audience with the superyacht lifestyle.

Another place to effectively reach our ultra-wealthy target group is live events. This may be an event that is closely related to superyachting, such as a boat show or an interior and design fair, or non-superyachting events such as prestigious art fairs.


Superyacht Life’s unique advantage of being a non-profit organisation that represents the entire industry allows us to hold events that other organisations cannot, bringing together several luxury industries to make truly remarkable events.


Read on to find out about our first planned event.

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Events: About
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The Honours

Recognising those who make superyachting exceptional.

There is so much good going on within the industry. Feats of engineering, incredible designs, philanthropic ventures, intrepid journeys and sustainable innovations making the world a better place. Unfortunately, these stories are not being covered in the mainstream media. This is our chance to recognise the good within the industry, share these stories with the world and improve the perception of superyachting.


The goal is to use the timeliness and credibility of the event to give the honorees’ stories the attention they deserve in the media. We want to reach a wide, general audience where, instead of having stories about the event itself, the honorees’ inspiring stories take center stage, in turn reflecting positively on the superyacht industry. 


Events: About
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